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Taylor Richter, RDN, LD
Jul 25, 20243 min read
The Art of Thoughtful Snacking
Snacking often gets a bad rap, but when done thoughtfully, it can play an important role in a balanced diet. While most of our daily...
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Marie Belzile-Davidson, MS, RDN, LD
Sep 27, 20223 min read
The Power of Stillness
"We have forgotten what rocks and plants still know - we have forgotten how to be - to be still - to be ourselves - to be where life is...
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Marie Belzile-Davidson, MS, RDN, LD
Aug 24, 20224 min read
Eating Well When Dining Out
A big part of eating well for your health is consistency. In the United States, the average person eats away from home multiple times per...
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Marie Belzile-Davidson, MS, RDN, LD
Jul 13, 20225 min read
How Food Affects Your Mood
When you are feeling down, what do you tend to gravitate towards? Binge-watching your favorite series of the moment? Calling a good...
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Marie Belzile-Davidson, MS, Dietetic Intern
Apr 12, 20225 min read
What factors influence your weight? (Hint - It's not just calories)
Body weight is not as simple as calories in versus calories out. You have likely heard this oversimplified equation before. While...
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Marie Belzile-Davidson, MS, RDN, LD
Nov 28, 20214 min read
Things to do, aside from eating, when you're truly not hungry.
We've all been there - we know we truly are not hungry but we just want to eat something! That being said, this blog is not intended to...
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Marie Belzile-Davidson, MS, RDN, LD
Dec 11, 20208 min read
Improving Nutrition and Digestion through Stress Management and Self-Care - Holiday Edition
Let's get this out of the way right off the bat - the holidays look different this year because, well, life looks different this year!...
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Marie Belzile-Davidson, MS Nutrition Student
Sep 22, 20205 min read
Mindful Eating: A Simple and Useful Tool for Optimizing Digestion
When it comes to good nutrition and overall health, it’s not just about what we eat but also how we eat. We could be planning and eating...
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